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Recent Comments

  1. about 13 years ago on Luann

    Dumb ending to a dumb story. He hit the guy with his backpack? I mean is that even possible?

  2. about 13 years ago on Alley Oop

    This whole plot line that started with Earth 2 is now more than a year old! It started on Feb 12, 2011. It looks like it’s going to take another year to wrap up. Once Oola and Lola make their point to Alley and Guz, whatever it is, then there will be another six months of talking and setting up for the inevitable return to Earth 2 to get Lola home to Zod. Come on Benders! Let’s move it along already.

  3. about 13 years ago on Luann

    This is all such nonsense. Two healthy teenagers like Luann and Quill would not only have kissed by now, and Luann would have made a point to do so in front of Tiffany. What /is/ the Evans hangup about crossing the kiss line? Luann has been kissed like once in 20 years. Ridiculous.

  4. over 13 years ago on Luann

    What I don’t get is why Brad didn’t lawyer up. Eiffel’s behavior was textbook sexual harassment. She implied he’d benefit on the job if he were more friendly toward her. He should be suing Weenie World and Eiffel for all they’ve got. I was kind of waiting on Evans to reach the “teachable moment” here so all the “young people” reading the strip can see what they shouldn’t endure in the workplace they’ll enter someday, but no, we have to endure this childish scheming.