Hearteater s lion

Lord Hearteater Free

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Recent Comments

  1. about 14 hours ago on Luann

    In today’s current social milieu, this is highly plausible.

  2. about 14 hours ago on Luann

    The plot and the calendar are telling me that this will go into next week. The plus sign comes Tuesday (check the date), and could still be a misdirection play.

  3. 1 day ago on Luann

    …or maybe it’s just a midweek misdirection play, and we get a plus sign soon.

  4. 1 day ago on Luann

    Is this a foreshadowing? Maybe the Shannon adoption that so many have already pontificated about is gonna happen after all.

  5. 3 days ago on Luann

    TJ is no fluffer.

  6. 3 days ago on Luann

    It’s no-longer maybe baby. The way that Toni’s change of attitude was handled bordered on subtle. There can be no doubt now that she is all in on motherhood. Today’s strip could be a foreshadowing of complications, or even worse…but then again, Shannon and Jonah have essentially been written out, with his big break. I stand by my prior assertions of a sort of confluence: Phil delivers the child as a professional. His budding involvement with Luann is deliberately coincidental.

  7. 3 days ago on Luann

    PhiLu is not quite “official” yet, although it is getting there. The term thus fits.

  8. 4 days ago on Luann

    Mmm-hmm. What was I saying late last week about a certain paramour delivering a certain married couple’s baby? I’m oddly smug after reading today’s strip.

  9. 4 days ago on Luann

    There’s gotta be a wiki page to visit and get caught up.

  10. 4 days ago on Luann

    Print media in general is dying. Blame yourself, and everyone around you. You’re currently reading a screen, and not a printed page.