Hearteater s lion

Lord Hearteater Free

Recent Comments

  1. 4 days ago on Luann

    Luann a la Doonesbury

  2. 12 days ago on Luann

    The final panel would seem to be setting that up.

  3. 12 days ago on Luann

    I’ve only been predicting Jonah’s demise for years.

  4. 12 days ago on Luann

    Is this the moment that I have been predicting for years? Will Jonah arrive to pick up his daughter, or are we in for a phone call with news of mortality and pained facial expressions later in the week? The dialogue is pretty heavy for a Monday morning, and I have already written enough about how the Evans seem to be realigning the chess board. Cue Bugs & Daffy:

    On with the show, this is it!

  5. 15 days ago on Luann

    This is an area of challenge for many cartoon artists; how to address mortality. Mrs. Horner is a vehicle for this, as a character. I admire her spirit, as depicted today. My attitude is a complete 180 from her’s, however. Maybe it is because I feel that I have lived enough, and know that it’s all downhill from 60.

  6. 17 days ago on Luann

    This is the beginning of an end. Anyone who has cared for and buried a parent can recognize. Here’s hoping that Mrs. Horner offers some profound wisdom over the rest of the week. Said wisdom should help Luann determine her direction, but before we are made aware of her conclusion, we’re likely to get a bit of a cliffhanger. The strip will then cut to what Bets & Gun have been up to, as it has been a while.

    I had thought that, by now, my long-standing prediction of the demise of Jonah Daytona may have come to pass. It could still happen, but Mrs. Horner appears to be the obvious character through whom the Evans will address mortality issues.

    Life does go onward, and time waits for nobody. Throw in some tough times, and a good number of folks start approaching their emotional overload points. The current zeitgeist feels a bit dispirited, but the reasons go beyond what I mention here. We are undergoing a cultural sea-change. The tide for one end of the socio-political spectrum is ebbing, while it is rising for the other end. What I’ve been known to take heat for here is being proven correct in the public square, but there is no room for smugness. There is still too much work left to do.

  7. 18 days ago on Luann

    It almost feels like a Crystal cameo.

  8. about 1 month ago on Luann

    While I did point to this as a watershed moment, I did not indicate that it would be humorless. Does anyone else sense the irony yet?

    We’ve had Bernice thinking that she should pursue being some sort of shrink/counselor, but now look at Lu actually showing compassion in situ. One girl may aspire to be what the other has just shown what the latter one really is.

    …and I just realized that I have summarized the next week’s worth of Lu-Bern bedroom musings.

  9. about 1 month ago on Luann

    It has all been leading to this. We are at a watershed moment. What it leads to is open to interpretation. Luann’s blank slate will get quickly filled. It’s the “what with” that becomes the ride now. Does love come calling? Jack’s not been around for a while, and is going into veterinary studies. I see a potential for more connectivity, if Luann goes in a medical career direction. Who or what else may now enter the scene? We might be due for more backstory on Vale, who has been fawning over Luann’s heroics all week. His heart is in a seemingly good enough place to pique curiosity about his emotional depth. He may have a brother or friend we have yet to meet.

    The Evans have created a launch pad. Lu is poised for the meteoric. Will she carpe the hell out of the diem, or will we be stuck with a week of Lu-Bern bedroom analysis of it all? Which of the other relationships will change, as part of the karmic re-balancing involved? This ties into my has-Kip-really-met-Luann question of months ago. I smell an honorary event for Luann with Kip possibly having a moment within it. He IS the starting QB, and such men are often spokesmen/MC’s in other scenarios.

    The Evans have managed to engineer the blank slate. Someone’s life’s about to change. Who & how? If it’s more warm & fuzzy that’s needed, I’d start with a heart-to-heart between sisters-in-law about an EMT career path. Toni & Lu have something well beyond Brad to discuss. As a creative who understands the need to periodically reinvent, I can raise my glass in salute, and lick my lips in anticipation. Luann’s direction-defining moment is at-hand. I would only hope that she understands this moment completely, and chooses wisely.

  10. 2 months ago on Luann

    …and Bets knows that she has ability to impact Gun’s misery to a large degree. INCOMING!