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ahoeltje Free

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  1. over 10 years ago on Doonesbury

    Usually I like (tolerate) Doonesbury but this is just plane stupid. A bleeding heart Harvard Liberal making believe he knows how to write Neo-con humor? This is a left-gatekeeper attempting to write right-gatekeeper jokes. Stick to Colorado pot jokes is my humble suggestion.

  2. almost 13 years ago on Prickly City

    Excuse me, but I just don’t see what is so “not” sane about Dr. Paul’s message. Is Stantis on drugs? Or payed off by the Right Gate Keepers? What’s so funny about adhering to the Constitution, a sound monitory policy, and ending all the illegal wars that “W” started and Mr. “I heart the big state” Obama has extended? Neocons like Gingrich, santorum, and Romney are puppets of statism the same as Obama.