Baltimore city and inner harbor

Dr Lou Premium

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Wallace the Brave

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Bound and Gagged

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On A Claire Day

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Maria's Day

Maria's Day

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Wide Open

Wide Open

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Randolph Itch, 2 a.m.

Randolph Itch, 2 a.m.

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The Wandering Melon

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Diamond Lil

Diamond Lil

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Stone Soup

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Pearls Before Swine

Pearls Before Swine

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Bloom County 2019

Bloom County 2019

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John Deering

John Deering

Gary Markstein

Gary Markstein

Amanda the Great

Amanda the Great

By Amanda El-Dweek
The Adventures of Business Cat

The Adventures of Business Cat

By Tom Fonder
The Academia Waltz

The Academia Waltz

By Berkeley Breathed

Recent Comments

  1. 10 months ago on Heart of the City

    What happened to the cartoon? The storyline completely changed and the drawing is obviously different

  2. over 5 years ago on Nick Anderson

    A little stronger than playing thru…and even more accurate

  3. almost 6 years ago on Clear Blue Water

    This was a great cartoon….what happened? It just – disappeared.

  4. about 6 years ago on Clear Blue Water

    What happened to Clear Blue Water? Did it stop being written last December?

  5. almost 7 years ago on Tom Stiglich

    To those who will continue to defend yet another indefensible…of course the actions by the Philadelphia Starbuck were ‘racially motivated.’

    I’ve walked in and used bathrooms in Starbucks since I work on the road sometimes ordering after I come out…sometimes not ordering at all…and just heading back to my car without EVER being challenged.

    I’ve sat in Starbucks waiting for folks before I ordered without EVER being challenged.

    Starbucks is where white people — others, too…but lots of white people — go to ‘loiter’ with their laptops, kindles, iPads, school work and more sipping maybe a half cup of coffee for hours and are are not EVER challenged.

    It can sometimes even be hard to find a table at some Starbucks for the ‘loitering’ white; Asian people too, and none are EVER challenged.

    And I’ve both done and/or observed all the above across many different Starbucks in a number of locations and states without EVER having a problem, EVER being challenged or EVER seeing any of these ‘loiterers’ challenged.

    To those who would continue to ‘defend’ the behavior by that Starbucks manager…your remarkable denialism and willingness to argue about anything you are told to say which supports a Corporate Right, unAmerican ‘White’ agenda despite all obvious documentation/evidence needs to stop.

    Of course the actions by the Philly Starbucks were ‘racially motivated.’

    For the record…I actually agree that this particular cartoon was a bit overdone since I wouldn’t apply this as a ‘policy’ across Starbucks nationwide. But – yes – the Philly Starbucks was ‘racially motivated.’

    It’s a shame some of the writers just on this string – many others, too – who are still denying the Philly Starbucks reality can’t sign up for the company’s nationwide racial training day.

  6. almost 7 years ago on Tom Stiglich

    The GOP are principally Corporate sponsored and have long not had to give a squat about their real voters/constituents. Mitch McConnell has, I believe, the highest percentage of out of state (covert Corporate) campaign and related funding than any other…which is saying something…which is why his constituents and state don’t matter remotely.

    Starbucks, however, is a business who needs customers coming in every day rather than knowing their ‘sponsorship’ checks; their massive ‘campaign’ contributions from Koch; from the NRA…others…will be in the mail so long as they continue to do what they are told…continue to introduce anti-America legislation written for them by ALEC and others.

  7. almost 7 years ago on Tom Stiglich

    Of course it was ‘racially motivated.’

    I’ve walked in and used bathrooms in Starbucks since I work on the road sometimes ordering after I come out…sometimes not ordering at all…and just heading back to my car without EVER being challenged.

    I’ve sat in Starbucks waiting for folks before I ordered without EVER being challenged.

    Starbucks is where lots of white people — others, too…but lots of white people — go to ‘loiter’ with their laptops, kindles, iPads, school work and more sipping maybe a half cup of coffee for hours and are are not EVER challenged.

    It can sometimes even be hard to find a table for the ‘loitering’ white; Asian people too, and none are EVER challenged.

    Of course it was ‘racially motivated.’

  8. over 7 years ago on One Big Happy

    Agree with the surge towards ‘anti-intellectualism’ overall but also see this cartoon differently…and liked it enough to bookmark it for later use. Rather than a broader attack on those with ‘education,’ I’d offer it as a reference to a particular – and particularly ineffective – school of thought in education/child psych. Teaching, supporting and nurturing are key but can’t act independently of effective and timely response/redirection for interfering/problem events based on conditions.

  9. about 10 years ago on Overboard

    a particularly dumb cartoon string

  10. about 10 years ago on ViewsMidEast

    Fascinating cartoon since the reason Arafat’s memorial didn’t occur was due to infighting between the PA and Hamas.