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  1. about 8 years ago on Non Sequitur

    A few of my issues with the new site:1. I don’t like that the replies can’t be collapsed back under the original comment. Also, as Cerabooge said, we can’t reply to a reply. 2. You can still add or delete a comic, but you can no longer rearrange the order. 3. The old alphabetical lists for cartoons and editorial cartoons were easier to scan through and quicker to respond.4. I enjoy Gocomics much faster on my tablet or phone, but comments (which I used to really enjoy!) aren’t available there. 5. This site seems to have everything enlarged much beyond the optimal size for viewing on a laptop screen.

  2. about 8 years ago on Arlo and Janis

    Oddegg, I think you’re right!

  3. about 8 years ago on Non Sequitur

    I can’t close the comment thread back up so I can read the rest of the ones that are in the main comment list. There needs to be an up-down carat or +/- to close the comment thread. If there is a mechanism already, I don’t see it!

  4. about 8 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    What I noticed was that the snow is over the tops of his galoshes. I suppose he’s feeling the snow inside them melting on his socks and feet. ugh, shiver

  5. about 8 years ago on Half Full

    I think he scared himself. Funny.

  6. about 8 years ago on Rob Rogers

    One commenter on the above post said the original is here: https://www.facebook.com/jeremy.mitchell.9066/posts/10206820499943144

  7. about 8 years ago on Rob Rogers

    I found it here: http://sharon.clarinerd.com/inspiration/i-listened-as-they-called-my-president-a-muslim/

  8. about 8 years ago on Dilbert Classics

    Read the fourth frame again, “…each with its own selection…” Scott used “it’s” instead of “its,” which I didn’t even notice until prompted by liztom to check all the frames.

  9. about 8 years ago on Cul de Sac

    My reply to @CARAPORAM yesterday about Andre looking like an ogre:That was my first thought, too! Much like one of the wild things in Sendak’s book. =)

  10. about 8 years ago on Cul de Sac

    That was my first thought, too! Much like one of the wild things in Sendak’s book. =)