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  1. over 1 year ago on For Better or For Worse

    Yeah, come on down. Everybody else does.

  2. almost 2 years ago on Bloom County

    Buy your property on the east side of the fault line now. It’ll be beachfront property any time now.

  3. almost 2 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Just like we do to you, Huh Green?

  4. about 2 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    I would say, since he calls her “Madame”, she’d use M’sieu (or M’sieur for purists) rather than Mr. At least that’s what we did where I grew up.

  5. about 2 years ago on Doonesbury

    I love the look on the faces of Japanese and Chinese businessmen when they realize I speak Japanese and Mandarin. I was a military brat and lived in Taiwan and Japan when I was growing up. I’m a communications engineer and do a lot of business with Asian manufacturers. The older reps I talk to don’t do a lot of trash talk, but the younger ones like to have these smart butt conversations the the round-eye can’t understand. Then, when I start speaking to them in their own language, they freak.A friend of mine and his wife have an oriental restaurant that serves Chinese and Japanese cuisine. He is Japanese American and she is Chinese American. I take these businessmen to their restaurant for meals. Either Donny or Mellie will wait on us, depending which nationality my guests are. They ask me what we want to eat in Chinese or Japanese and I introduce my guests in their own language and order the meal. Then, I turn back to my guests and start a polite conversation in their language. Some start laughing, some get VERY quiet, and a few get a bit PO’d about it. For the PO’d ones, if they ask me why I didn’t tell them I spoke their language, I just say that they didn’t ask. I quote the old saying that goes “assuming makes an ass of ‘U’ and me”. I’ve even got some of these guys bringing new people to meet me and they set these guys up so they get embarrassed.

  6. over 2 years ago on Geech

    Obviously he didn’t have a Chief like me. I have cured many a PO 1 ( and below) of tardiness, no matter how well He/She did their job. A good leader leads by example in ALL facets of the job.

  7. almost 3 years ago on Jane's World

    It’s called “Tough Love” he knew she would blow it and left it to his granddaughter.

  8. about 3 years ago on Working Daze

    Not Pensacola, Either.

  9. about 3 years ago on Jeff Stahler

    While we’re at it, let’s ban television programs, movies and computer games, etc. that exalt killing and violence. Hold the producers, directors, actors and software developers that perpetuate violence liable for the acts of the people who commit the violence. What about holding the families of the perpetrators liable? They allow children to watch the shows and play the games that encourage killing and other violence. What about the media that splash the gory details of the crimes for days on end. This feeds the psychopathic egos of would-be perpetrators who want to be “Famous” and don’t care how they go about it. How about their school teachers, doctors, friends—all of whom should have done something about these people before they became violent. Instead, they ignored warning signs and allowed them to progress to the point where they committed these acts of violence. Better yet, let’s get involved rather than try to legislate our problems away. That’s the coward’s way of doing things. “Let someone else handle it.” If someone you know is exhibiting behavior that is disturbing, get involved. Otherwise you are as guilty as the person who commits these acts of violence.

  10. over 3 years ago on Rose is Rose

    I haven’t been to Iceland in about 30 years (spent some time in Keflavik when I was in the Navy) It wasn’t that cold, but the cold was wet and the wind would howl. Hard to stay warm.