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Recent Comments

  1. about 9 hours ago on Prickly City

    I’d argue it’s stupid to choose a fear of loss of status, privilege, economic stability along w/bigotry over the actual loss of democracy and domestic/foreign stability.

  2. about 9 hours ago on Prickly City

    trump didn’t win, lies and disinformation did.

    trump is an idiot and a moron. His only skill is a certain amount of rat cunning and the ability to con large numbers of other idiotic morons.The residency was won FOR HIM, twice. Both times people broke the law, lied monumentally, neglected common decency and ethics, and deceived the voters of America with flattering lies and vicious libels.

    The first time, it was Russia and Fox News. This time, it was Bezos, ElmoX, and Fox, Murdoch and other, actual, billionaires.

    The first time through, it was Putin’s attempt to destroy America, but a handful of unexpectedly decent (or marginally less corrupt) people stopped trump. But the billionaires learned that a moron in charge was enormously profitable. So they bought him the residency again.

    trump is a cartoon buffoon, created out of whole cloth and painted with whatever lies and drooling idiocies that will bamboozle the easily bamboozled.

    If it’s not clear to you he’s not even close to running his “own” administration, you’re just not paying attention. He can barely run his own mouth, as proven by the inane drivel that spills out whenever he speaks off script.

    trump remains a moronic sock puppet, an illegitimate president per Fourteenth Amendment Section 3, installed to do the oligarchs/putin bidding.

  3. about 13 hours ago on Prickly City

    His voters lack critical thinking skills. They are, simply put, illiterate by every conceivable metric. So it will be when trump tangibly hurts them across multiple avenues of their lives is when they finally put two and two together that, “Oh, hey, this guy doesn’t actually have my best interest at heart…” They’ll never figure out that Democrats and Independents have been telling them this since 2015. That, or they’ll refuse to accept it.

    Of course, by that time, damage is done—permanent. trump will be in Moscow by the time American cities are legitimately on fire and there are mass droves of people calling for blood. I hope it doesn’t come to that, but at this rate?

    I honestly don’t have a good outlook on what’s to come. The only guarantee I have about what comes next is that the US will no longer be a world superpower. The only thing we’ll have going forward is a vast arsenal of nuclear weapons, and right now, putin is the one that controls that trigger because he controls trump. And he’s already talking about reducing the nucs.

    “We Are Fighting Against a Dictator Backed by a Traitor” – A French Senator Claude Malhuret Speaks Out — this video is well worth watching, calls out what trump and putin are doing and how Europe needs to respond.

  4. about 13 hours ago on Doonesbury

    Afghanistan Withdrawal Facts

    trump not Biden negotiated directly with the Taliban terrorists and excluded both the Afghan army and the US recognized Afghan government.

    trump not Biden drew down US forces from 13,000 to 2,500 making them vulnerable to attack.

    trump not Biden ordered the release of 5,000 Taliban fighters from prison, one of whom would become the new leader of Afghanistan

    trump not Biden wanted to invite the Taliban leaders to Camp David on the anniversary of September 11th. Seriously.

    trump not Biden agreed to a May 1st exit from Afghanistan, then bragged that he didn’t need an exit strategy

    trump not Biden refused to brief Biden’s incoming team on the situation in Afghanistan.

    trump not Biden shut down every airbase in Afghanistan except one, crippling the US’s ability to extract its assets safely.

    pay attention to facts, not BS.

  5. about 13 hours ago on Prickly City

    The liefest address was filled with blatant falsehoods and misleading claims. The speech attempted to rewrite economic history, distort foreign policy facts, and manipulate public perception through contradictory rhetoric and deceptive storytelling.

    BS claims about inflation, the economy, Social Security fraud, energy production, and foreign aid, exposed the administration’s deliberate efforts to mislead the public. Choreographed to distract from the resident’s failures and hypocrisy, it ultimately failed to convince those who are informed.

    This speech was a desperate attempt to manipulate an uninformed audience, using lies, fear-mongering, and spectacle to cover up authoritarian tendencies and economic mismanagement. The resident’s pro-corporate, anti-worker agenda was evident in his misleading tax rhetoric and praise for billionaire elites.

    His administration’s attacks on democracy, disregard for truth, and allegiance to the ultra-rich make it clear: he is a clear and present danger to American democracy. We the people must fight back with truth, activism, and relentless fact-checking to ensure the public is not deceived.

  6. about 13 hours ago on Prickly City

    “Hoards of social media users have come forward to say they were lied to and voted for Trump, but have since lost their jobs because Musk and DOGE defunded their federal programs.”

    Boo flocking hoo. My heart bleeds for all those poor idjt voters losing their jobs. If only there had been some prior indication that trump couldn’t be trusted. If only someone would have told them every GD day.

    Look, MAGATS. I know you resent being called “stupid.” I understand that. But if you allow yourself to be coerced into believing (AGAIN) that a lifetime charlatan and liar—-a misogynistic, racist, narcissistic, sexual predator obsessed with retribution—-has YOUR interests in mind; and you believe it (mountains of evidence to the contrary notwithstanding) to the point he convinces YOU to vote against those interests; that he’s a viable candidate to lead the nation . . . well, while “stupid” may sound harsh, it’s hard for anyone who isn’t to deny the clearly obvious.

    The resentment is actually the dumbest issue of all. If the normies made you feel belittled, that’s one thing. But to vote for a candidate because someone made you feel small, that’s pretty much the opposite of what voting is supposed to be. Voting isn’t supposed to be personal. It’s like when people say “I voted for the Candidate A because Candidate B never visited my town.” If you need to feel personally attended to by the candidate, you’ve totally misunderstood civic duty.

    If these people had paid a little more attention to what trump believes/does, rather than how he made them feel with wormtongue lies, maybe they wouldn’t be unemployed and/or missing their benefits now. And Democracy wouldn’t be threaten here and around the globe.

  7. 1 day ago on Prickly City

    “To a criminal, honesty is foolish. You must not forget that a monster is only a variation, and that to a monster the norm is monstrous.” ― John Steinbeck

  8. 1 day ago on Prickly City

    How do we deal with authoritarians, fascists? We surely don’t do it by enabling this shameless liar, felon, rapist, purveyor of frauds, reneger of deals, breaker of contracts, deadbeat, grifter, and all-round crook who it is now absolutely crystal clear is a Russian asset. Whether he got to be so willingly or was just flattered and funded into the role is of no consequence. This is the guy who lied to all of Congress and the Country Tuesday. #SSDD

    This is the guy who demanded not mutual respect with President Zelenskyy but the one-way respect that a movie gangster godfather asks, with an ”or else” attached. trump, of course, despises the very idea of standing up for democracy, soldiers being suckers and generals being dumb@sses in his view. And then there was the no-doubt planted question about the lack of a suit by Zelenskyy. It’s his uniform, he’s at war you pig-ignorant poltroons. trump’s characterization of the war was the most Orwellian stunt he’s pulled so far. Why not just say Zelenskyy invaded Ukraine?

    We all want peace. We don’t want a peace dictated by putin or his puppet.

  9. 1 day ago on Prickly City

    This is the guy who fired all the Nuke people and had to hire them back, right?

    And the Ebola people?

    and cant tell an $8 Billion contract from an $8 million one?

    That the Elon you are talking about?

    The point isn’t to save money. It’s to help streamline the billionaire-embezzlement pipeline. trumps budget adds 4 trillion to the debt. Where’s all the so called savings? Right into trump and his friends pockets, this is a venture/vulture capital takeover of the US government. Now that trump, as a wannabe oligarch and the real oligarchs have taken control of the country, it’s time to reward themselves by loading it up with debt and making off with all the money.

    Because in any takeover, the vulture capitalists get paid first, even if nobody else does. To the victors go the spoils. And like donnie’s and melania’s memecoins, getting the first (and likely only) shot at making money goes to the insiders and the connected corrupt privy to the insiders.

    donnie got laughed at last night when he said the days of rule by unelected bureaucrats are over.

  10. 3 days ago on Prickly City

    He literally said this would be his retribution term, …for attempting to hold him accountable for some of his many crimes.