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  1. 2 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Actually iggy, its PROBABLY still there and it PROBABLY still has the same sandwiches! Thank God for preservatives! Lol

  2. 3 days ago on Dick Tracy

    You’ve got cops wearing hats, detectives wearing fedoras, and random citizens wearing suits and ties and hats as well, and you’re wondering if a food service feature exists?

  3. 6 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Ashmael, I believe…if you’re referring to stilldamatt as a “karen”…you’re painting the man with a very broad brush. Yes, he (and several others, me included) “harp” and are “never satisfied”.. but the definition of a “KAREN” is, summarized, someone who feels that they are entitled to something that they are not simply because THEY say so. To the contrary, readers who dont roll over for tummy rubs from the authors, are most DEFINITELY entitled to a writer who is coherent and presents a logical story with frequent forward motion to keep us enthralled…the last several YEARS we have been denied that yet there are some who are more than willing to “turn a blind eye” and fall back on the old diatribe of “it’s better than what we used to have” as if that exonerates mishandling and poorly written stories

  4. 10 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Well, the character is a young teenager, maybe 15 or 16…rebellious of he obviously hangs around pool halls by the docks, probably a chainsmoker and frequently truant from school…trying to come up with something unique

  5. 11 days ago on Dick Tracy

    (muttering to self….) I really need to start working on the next chapter of my story, cant believe that what’s holding it up is that I can’t come up with a name for mayor Armstrong’s nephew lol

  6. 11 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Hey, at least Eric shows them actually DOING DETECTIVE WORK! instead of relying on someone knowing someone else who’s a suspect and making the arrest two days later

  7. 16 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Ok, but WHO was giving them info on the dead guy?

  8. 17 days ago on Dick Tracy

    It’s called detective work Neil, the answers dont (normally) fall into your takes time (unless you live in tracyville and have a writer with a.d.d.)

  9. 19 days ago on Dick Tracy

    “This? Well, I can make a hat….or a brooch…or a pterodact…..”

  10. 20 days ago on Dick Tracy

    I believe that “schott” is the past tense of $ch!tt"