Stan lee2

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  1. about 4 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    We dont use that word anymore stilldamatt…now they are referred to as “pigmentally enhanced” lol

  2. 1 day ago on Dick Tracy

    What if “HORACE” is the real corpse and the “SARGEANT” is the one pulling the strings? Would explain why the shoes were taken…stereotypical homeless people rarely have shoes or they’re worn out, plus the insurance money would come in handy

  3. 11 days ago on Dick Tracy

    By the way…since this is a “between payday week” for me, that leaves Friday wide open…so I may just pen the next chapter of my “TROUBLE IN PARADISE” Dick Tracy story…where we’ll get to meet Miranda Wright and several new characters that I’ve come up with over the past week. There will also be an appearance from Chief Fire Marshall Kevin Fuego who will take Freida Frisk out on a dinner date…and Lotus Blossom will hit the town with her beau Isaac Mendham…the EMT in tracyville…and Eiko O’Malley will have a moment with her husband Cathal and their children…Mayor Armstrong will be getting a frantic phone call from her sister telling her that Fletcher has disappeared, the long missing Mr Scratch, Hippo, and Wingnut will make a reappearance as would be assassin Deadeye brings his latest “catch” to the pool hall, and Jerry King will have an update on the condition of Thunderchild!

  4. 11 days ago on Dick Tracy

    What in tarnation does “composed” mean…in context of this story tho

  5. 12 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Didnt they say that the body was decomposed?

  6. 17 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Check missing persons, maybe he’s not from tracyville

  7. 20 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Those aren’t crumbs, that’s Blaze

  8. 21 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Charles probably went with long hair on Lizz because he got tired of the “earmuffs look”….seriously tho, how long has it been, in tracy time between stories for lizz’s new mop to grow in

  9. 22 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Looks like Lizz been using miracle gro on her hair

  10. 26 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Didnt they say the other day that the body was DECOMPOSED?