
brewingbiker Free

Born and raised on a farm in Florida, USA. Work history is varied: Ran printing presses, drove tractor trailers, worked in phosphate plants as a safety coordinator -finally settled on a career in emergency medicine (Paramedic Firefighter, lastly making a living as a Registered Nurse in a major trauma hospital. Married with doggies -hobbies include woodworking and brewing beer.

Recent Comments

  1. about 1 year ago on B.C.

    perhaps. but when we get older, we usually just go with what feels comfortable.TIGHT clothes never feel comfortable.

    While I wasn’t always overweight, I was never vain and never really cared what others thought. I did learn at an early age (relatively) to not answer the question “does xxx make me look fat”, though. also learned when to feign deafness.

  2. about 1 year ago on Dogs of C-Kennel

    the very first electric guitar had a round body. I think it was nicknamed a “frying pan”.

  3. about 1 year ago on Ripley's Believe It or Not

    Its still one of my favorite oldies. I recall the event, and the song still sends shivers down my spine. It is absolutely haunting.

  4. over 1 year ago on Dogs of C-Kennel

    Thanks man. I see I’m not alone on this one -it had me stymied and I was beginning to feel a bit bummed at my own idiocy, but now I believe it was just over-reaching a bit. IOW, I dont feel so bad now :)

  5. over 1 year ago on Speed Bump

    Pull my finger!! Nyuk Nyuk!

  6. over 1 year ago on Ripley's Believe It or Not

    you are here!

  7. over 1 year ago on Steve Kelley

    Odd how 40 years ago when I was in school, we were taught just fine, not taught to hate anyone, and the science we were taught was actually science, biology was biology, and math wasn’t considered racist. You claim fascists want to eliminate history books etc, but it seems you have a skewed definition of fascism, or a skewed definition of history (which is it?) because Id like to know what changed. Biology didn’t change, and history didn’t change, but the texts seem to have, and the new controversies are just that, new (and manufactured).Try teaching the basics instead of creating all these controversial and phony subjects and letting the colleges play the agenda games. Kids graduating high school today are idiots who can tell you all about fake genders and how to address each other with pronouns, but can’t spell or do basic math.I see it firsthand when we have some of these teens volunteer in the hospital, and I saw it when I went back to college and some of my classmates were new graduates. It made me feel bad for them -they are less prepared than they should be.

  8. over 1 year ago on Steve Kelley

    have gays in my family, and in my profession, they aren’t uncommon. Never cared before, don’t care now, and doubt I’ll care in the future. As for the trans thing? not afraid in any way, shape, or form. But no, you can’t become something you arent just by wishful thinking. Mental disease is no laughing matter.

  9. over 1 year ago on Steve Kelley

    just how has the US treated them? Honestly, no sympathy from this quarter. How would prisoners be treated in THEIR land? Oh yeah, beheaded. Personally, they should have been executed, but no, they get their three hots and a cot, their religious needs catered to and so forth.

  10. over 1 year ago on Steve Kelley

    who had the habit of lobbing rockets into whos’ city? Pretty sure it was not an even trade. More of a ’don’t start something and nothing will get started’.