
BurlsTwin Free

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  1. over 10 years ago on The Dinette Set

    Good manners, something Burl was never “tainted” with.

  2. about 11 years ago on The Dinette Set

    The flowers on the TV must be artificial, no normal life form could survive in that environment.

  3. about 11 years ago on The Dinette Set

    Small step ladders on the top shelf? To reach them, you would need a…

    The Penny’s in the aisle for boring stuff is so appropriate.
  4. over 11 years ago on The Dinette Set

    The wrapping on the gifts looks suspiciously like a hazardous material warning label. Might be a supply of Jerry’s cologne.

  5. over 11 years ago on The Dinette Set
    The airline may acknowledge their “special dietary needs”, but they cannot fulfill them…a trough would block the aisle.
  6. over 11 years ago on The Dinette Set

    Jerry’s family tree likely resembles a wishbone, and the one branch there is leads directly to sasquatch.

  7. over 11 years ago on The Dinette Set

    They will both be buried at the waste water treatment plant. Fitting that they are interred together. ;)

  8. over 11 years ago on The Dinette Set

    It seems fitting that a blowhard like Burl would come up with a response like hurricane.

  9. over 11 years ago on The Dinette Set
    Burls version of athletes foot is what he gets when he falls asleep watching professional wrestling and has his foot end up in the popcorn.
  10. over 11 years ago on The Dinette Set

    If a thought formed in Burls head, would anyone hear it?

    If a tree fell on Burls head, would anyone care?