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AaronWSmith Free

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  1. about 13 years ago on Rose is Rose

    I agree. you can wait hours and hours for a bus. . . err, deer, and suddenly, three come along at once!

  2. about 13 years ago on Tom Toles

    No, not the limit, but one OVER the limit. Did anyone see the National Geographic special about Glaciers?

    You know, I am not one of those eco-freaks who believe that Humans are going to kill off all life on the planet; but I am beginning to believe we might do a decent job of wiping ourselves off the orb. <Of course, we’ll probably take a lot of other species down with us.>

  3. about 13 years ago on The Argyle Sweater

    I am sorry. One of my favorite strips, but this one is obscure to me.Superman, snow angel;Batman, snow bat;Aquaman, snow fish; That I get.Green Lantern, some vague green glow?<Green Lantern, jet pilot granted an alien artifact, kind of the ultimate programmable tool, with a green force that can be shaped and embodied into any form that the mind can imagine, and the will can enforce. In brightest day, in darkest night, no evil shall escape my sight, let those who worship evils might, beware my power, Green Lantern’s light."

    If the three previous superheroes had ‘written their names in the snow’, then maybe the green pea soup or asparagus gags would be appropos, but, . . . I just don’t get it.