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Jeffrey M. Edwards 49+ Free

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Recent Comments

  1. almost 13 years ago on Drabble

    Can the characters evolve and get older like the other comic strips! Let Drabble get married and move on with his life. Please!

  2. almost 13 years ago on Drabble

    Kevin Fagan needs to revamp the strip. Let Norman get married!

  3. about 13 years ago on Luann

    I agree with most of the comments. In the real world it would not happen like this. Bullies do not like to be embarrassed! Les would wait when it’s quiet and get Gunther when he is by himself! To bad art can’t imitate reality

  4. about 13 years ago on Luann

    The only way for bullying to stop is for adults to address it and not enough do! In the “real world” Gunther would have given someone bigger the $20.00 and had them beat Leslie up! Bullies have to be met with a bigger bully when adults don’t intervene!

  5. about 13 years ago on Drabble

    It’s obvious! Kevin Fagan does not want Drabble to grow up. I stopped reading Drabble over five years ago and nothing has changed!

  6. about 13 years ago on Drabble

    Norm needs to grow up! This is a good thing!