Nice tassels.
As Hobbes would say—SMOOCH, SMOOCH!
She looks hangry. Lunch time!
Yep, ugly it is! A little moonlight wrestling. Tag team event. But first need some more light to unmask the baddy.
Somebody is due for a rude awakening. This could get ugly real quick.
Deja vu. Back again!
I did! I did see a pooddy cat!
Spoiler Alert. Nope, not Jan!
Tune in tomorrow, or the next day or even next week to find out WHO our mystery guest lion dinner will be. Unless, and you probably already guessed it, Tarzan will save the victim. (Probably our young lad Jan.) But we shall see.
I’m thinking a little praying mantis action. Or black widow spider. Run Tarzan, run!
Nice tassels.