Invisible Friend: Good luck getting a girl that way….Lucky Im a certified….docter of loooove… this is what you gotta do….just- ( Most likely….ending in…‘be a bad boy’ ‘kiss the first girl you see’ ‘dont be yourself’ or some other bad piece of advise…but naturaly gunna end it failer)
Invisible friend: well i would like to return to my home " The invisible city" to marry my true love ‘invisible girl’ and have sweet ,sweet invisible babys….
Invisible Friend: Good luck getting a girl that way….Lucky Im a certified….docter of loooove… this is what you gotta do….just- ( Most likely….ending in…‘be a bad boy’ ‘kiss the first girl you see’ ‘dont be yourself’ or some other bad piece of advise…but naturaly gunna end it failer)