Cal dance

Robert Lowe Free

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Recent Comments

  1. over 7 years ago on Jeff Danziger

    Rubbish. Pure unadulterated, liberal talking points rubbish!

  2. almost 9 years ago on Mike Luckovich

    Typical BS outreach to #liberals!

  3. almost 10 years ago on Jim Morin

    Why are you blaming infrastructure? The train was traveling over twice the speed limit? The crash was clearly due to the failure of the conductor who was not doing his job.

    Oh right, because that doesn’t fit the liberal spin that this was the GOP’s fault.

  4. almost 10 years ago on Mike Luckovich

    And did Toles publish a similar story about the Clinton PAC? Nah he’s not intellectually honest.

  5. about 10 years ago on Joel Pett

    The perspective is totally out of whack with reality, but then, the blather would not be effective if told truthfully.

  6. about 10 years ago on Steve Benson

    Race baiting fool!

  7. about 10 years ago on Doonesbury

    What no Muhammad?? Coward.

  8. about 10 years ago on Signe Wilkinson

    Deceptive comics, I choose not to read any more!

  9. about 10 years ago on Signe Wilkinson

    Nice to see a cartoonist that uses his brain … oh, wait, … never mind!

  10. about 10 years ago on Doonesbury

    And the current oval office occupant? The man wouldn’t know the truth if his teleprompter told him so!!