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Flapperhatgirl! Free

Recent Comments

  1. over 11 years ago on Agnes

    This is great. I laugh-spit all over my iPad and now it’s gross.Too much infomation?

  2. over 11 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    My ipad can do that.

  3. over 11 years ago on Barney & Clyde

    But it’s true!

  4. over 11 years ago on Big Nate

    YAY! At last a strip where Nate dosen’t totally fail!

  5. over 11 years ago on Barney & Clyde

    When I took the PSAT about a month ago it required us to copy out a statement in cursive. Most of the kids didn’t know how to write in cursive and the teacher just told us to fake it.

  6. over 11 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    You must be a sad, sad person. What’s life without playing in the rain?

  7. over 11 years ago on Pearls Before Swine


  8. over 11 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    I love that movie.

  9. almost 12 years ago on PreTeena

    FRIED sunflower seeds?! Oh dear.

  10. almost 12 years ago on Barney & Clyde

    Wait, I thought they DID go to a private school. What about uniforms?