
JasperYahoo Free

< This is mu 6th Grade class picture. Iam's the first one in my famuley to Graduwait 6th Grade ! I makes Allummenum Buggy Wheels, and I'm known as the town Fe-law-ce-fur.

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  1. over 12 years ago on Dan Wasserman

    Come and see your Friends,the ones that were Banished.Senorbullwinkle, Fennec, and others at

  2. over 12 years ago on Jeff Stahler

    Come and see your Friends,the ones that were Banished.Senorbullwinkle, Fennec, and others at

  3. over 12 years ago on Clay Jones

    Come and see your Friends,the ones that were Banished.Senorbullwinkle, Fennec, and others at

  4. over 12 years ago on Joe Heller

    I Forgot,Yusuf Islam-Bismillah: care for nothing … or for anything, least of all,anyone else.I See NO “GOD” in You.Jesus would Spit !@ U !

  5. over 12 years ago on Joe Heller

    lippy times 2 said, about 21 hours ago~ “At least no matter how far right they go, they will never be left”~~~~~~~~~You Are Correct !Extreme Leftyness,leads to Nirvana,where asthe “EXTREME RIGHTIES”Ends-Upin the PITof HELL !For Lying !(Boiling in Oillike REAL Christan’s)(and then used for illuminationfor Holy Singing !)

  6. over 12 years ago on Lalo Alcaraz

    Is you making fun of muh EARS ?

  7. over 12 years ago on Lalo Alcaraz

    Cauzin ?I don’t remember no Neanderthals being in muh Fammuley Tree !

  8. over 12 years ago on Lalo Alcaraz

    What a Bunch of BS !For Decades they’ve had NO Problem with it, UNTIL NOW ?~The “Church Hugger’s”,(The one’s who want to CUT ALL SPENDING) don’t mind GIVING THEM ( CHURCHES ) MONEY !~BUT WAIT,WHAT’S THIS ?It seems, if they TAKE MONEY FROM THE GOVERNMENT,They have to COMPLY WITH THE RULES !~NOT SO QUICK !WE (the Church) wont take YOUR MONEY unless it’s under OUR (the Churches) TERMS !~The Church has been TAKING OUR MONEY for yearsBut have waited until now to complain.Is the Church Racist ? LOL !~IF THEY DON’T WANT THE MONEY,THEN DON’T TAKE IT !END OF STORY !

  9. over 12 years ago on Steve Breen

    SenorBullwinkle…. Hummm !He’s gone ’round the bend.He Won “Most Flagged Person of the Year” !

  10. over 12 years ago on Lalo Alcaraz

    This here is Laughable !Much-Ado !~When stealing a Horse out of the Barn,one should throw a ROCK at the HEN HOUSEIt makes for a Good Distraction !(as does Birth Control)

    ~Will MITTNEY put his Head in the (birth control) Noose ?~Or will the MAN (Santorum)with TWO ABORTION’S UNDER HIS BELTDICTATE TO USABOUT BIRTH CONTROL ?~With ALL the REAL PROBLEMS in the World(the Economy, JOBS, WAR in the Middle East, Pollution, Global Warming, ECT…..)This is nothing but, CLUCK ! CLUCK ! CLUCK !~We really DON’T CARE,just as long as I don’t pay for it, and Poor Women CAN"T get it !(Santorum doesn’t use Birth Control,They just have an abortion) Why didn’t the SANTORUM’S, just give them Babies up for Adoption ? Huh ?