Linda was the inspiration for Jack Lawrence’s hit song “Linda” from the 1940’s. See and listen:
litebites: You obviously know very little about federal government workers. Many of them work 24/7 on call to deal with program issues and many others work 50-70 hour weeks on a regular basis. There is no compensation for the extra hours worked unless you are a lower level employee and the rate for overtime pay starts at time and a half and drops to below regular wages depending on your base pay level. It’s true that the compensation for the development of new products is not as good as in the private sector. But then, that’s part of the price for serving the public good. Anybody can be creative when big bucks are dangled before them. Try coming up with creative solutions when there isn’t sufficient budget or human resources to develop and implement the new program and bonuses are few and of low value if offered at all. Try running a program with 3 people when you need to have 7. Try to implement anything when you have multiple political onstacles and need permission from several layers of management before you can proceed.
Bottomliners takes too many cheap shots at the government and it encourages intemperate comments like the ones above. I am dropping it from my subscription and hope others will do the same.
I can’t read this strip. The text is too small and too faint. What happened to the zoom function on this web site?