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Recent Comments

  1. over 10 years ago on The Boondocks

    It always gets her choked up.

  2. almost 11 years ago on The Boondocks

    Naw, it’s racist.

  3. over 11 years ago on The Boondocks

    I don’t know if it’s ever mentioned in the strip, but in the cartoon it’s suggested that they died.

  4. over 11 years ago on The Boondocks

    Living Single, My Wife and Kids, Martin,

  5. over 11 years ago on The Boondocks

    Replace beef with cantaloupe or lettuce, and it’s still relevant.

  6. over 11 years ago on The Boondocks

    You should see him in the cartoon: he turns whuppin’ into olympic-worthy activity.

  7. over 12 years ago on The Boondocks

    Because you have to pay to play.

  8. over 12 years ago on The Boondocks

    There’s something about that idea that makes me uncomfortable.

  9. over 12 years ago on The Boondocks

    No, this is implying that white people are gullible to panic. Black people don’t get flu vaccinations because IT’S JUST THE FLU!

  10. over 12 years ago on The Boondocks

    That’s it. I’m not an artist, but I’m guessing it wouldn’t have been possible to show the potential voter grabbing his crotch. That would’ve made things clearer.