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  1. about 1 month ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Oh, you’re from another country? Well that explains why you don’t know the definition of “disinterested” which would entail being free from motive or personal preference; a synonym being “unbiased”, which by your very response is not the case. You prefer a Biden win. So let me provide a word for what you are being, which also suffices as an adjective for what you’re accusing me of being. That being “disingenuous”.

    I really should have guessed you weren’t from here, as your profile picture references the Simpsons, a television show that stopped being entertaining or relevant in the USA 25 years ago and exists today solely as a zombified IP that Fox is milking as a cash cow until it mercifully expires of bleeding udders.

  2. about 1 month ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Your strategy to convince third party voters to vote for Trump is a bold one, Cotton. One would think you’d want to try to push us to vote for Biden, but let’s see how that works out for you.

  3. about 1 month ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    I write multiple screeds about how I dislike both candidates and their failures and you keep insisting I’m voting for Trump.

    I’m voting against both Trump and Biden, with the full knowledge that one or the other will win. It’s my right to do so, and your right to believe it’s foolish. But do not ascribe support of Trump through my actions. If Trump happens to be elected because there are enough people like me in the country opting out of the two choices given, then maybe you should have run a different candidate that would appeal to non-aligned voters and capture more of us. But y’all didn’t, so this is what you’re getting.

    Same goes for the people on the other side saying I’m actually voting for Biden.

  4. about 1 month ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    You can post whatever data points you have, I have my bills and my standard of living, which has respectively gone up and continuously dropped for the last 8 years. All you people keep saying to not trust my lying eyes about my own life, and then lay contempt when I say I’m not going to do that.

    I’m suffering and you just line up to say I’m deluded when I say I am, which really makes your appeals to empathy as hollow as a rotting log. Ideology and political cliques matter more to both the left and the right. You’ll stand by your man, right or wrong and dismiss and demean anyone who disagrees.

    A person can’t even protest vote without being insulted and belittled by both sides. Vitriol runs the game and in the end we all lose.

  5. about 1 month ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Trust me, I’ve watched enough news clips to know both the main parties candidates are superannuated geriatrics who even if their brains weren’t turning into pudding (not that either of them were geniuses at their prime), and both stand a chance of keeling over in the next few years.

    Both are awful, both have track records of leaving things worse than when they entered into office and blaming it all on the other side, taking zero responsibility for their failures or spinning the bull-hockey sandwich they sold the public as gold, both should never have been elected and both are defended by people who care more about their political team winning and demonizing and dehumanizing the other side as bloodthirsty racist fascists or godless degenerate communists respectively than the general commonweal of the nation for all citizens of all political persuasions.

    My candidate is not going to win, I know. But whoever wins of the big two, we still lose, and in your heart of hearts, you know it too.

  6. about 1 month ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Yes, and my chess move is that I’m voting against both major parties because I reject your doomsday hypothesis.

  7. about 1 month ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Thank you. While I’m more of a libertarian bent and will be voting for my candidate accordingly (they haven’t been selected yet from the primaries), I complete agree with the sentiment of voting your desires and not your fears.

  8. about 1 month ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Where did I say I was going with Kennedy? The comic was addressed to all third party candidates, Kennedy is just one of them.

    Also, do you want to convince me to change my vote, or do you just want to condescend and insult me? Being smug, entitled and condescending is why you guys ended up in this situation with Trump anyways. Most people don’t think he’s the end of the world even if they aren’t fans of his. He was president for 4 years and did nothing but stroke his ego, so yeah, telling me somehow another 4 years of him will 100% lead to stormtroopers instead of him stroking his ego and saying rude things and doing jack all for the public like last time ain’t going to work.

    So please tell me, why should I vote for the doddering old fool who made my grocery bill go up over 50% the past 3.5 years and is tearing his own party in two over the Israel-Palestine Conflict?

    You guys made your bed with Biden, an incredibly weak and incompetent candidate, to the point where you do your best to avoid even mentioning his existence at all, instead telling everyone of an orange boogeyman coming to destroy the country. People ain’t buying it, and this is going to be the biggest protest vote third party allocation since Perot and the most influential since Nader.

    Sure, we ain’t going to win, but that’s not the point. Whether the Democrats or Republicans lose this election, I can safely say whoever does, that they deserved it, because there ain’t gonna be no winners this year, not either of them, nor the American people.

  9. about 1 month ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Wow. Thanks for the lesson! I thought I was supposed to vote for the candidate that I believed the most strongly in, but obviously I don’t understand democracy.

  10. about 1 month ago on Pearls Before Swine

    If you don’t like X or what it has become, don’t use it. I like it more than ever. I stopped enjoying Reddit so I don’t go there anymore. If someone still enjoys it, that’s fine. If I end up hating X in the future, I’ll stop posting and browsing.

    Jeeze people, it’s not that hard to figure out.