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  1. over 12 years ago on Doonesbury

    The rightwingers here keep talking about felons voting, but felons are able to get drivers licenses, so they’ll still be able to vote under the GOP rules. Illegal aliens can’t register to vote so even if they had photo ID, they couldn’t vote. ID laws only prevent you from pretending to be someone else, a trick which would fail as often as it worked—which is why it never happens.

    In Pennsylvania GOP pols are pushing a photo ID law that has gone to court.. The laws supporters admit that there is no known history of in-person voter fraud in the state and none expected in 2012.

    Pennsylvania officials released a study finding that more than 758,000 registered voters in the state — many of them in its urban center of Philadelphia — lacked driver’s licenses.

    It’s true that those 758,000 people also can’t cash checks or rent cars. But if they registered to vote, they should be allowed to vote.

  2. over 12 years ago on Doonesbury

    Alex’s nose is not as long as GBT usually draws it. Guess he gave her a break for her wedding day.

  3. almost 13 years ago on Doonesbury

    Am I the only one who didn’t get the joke? Toggle is sitting right there, Ray says ’we’re’ starving, but neither Ray nor BD sees him — why? Is the joke supposed to be that vets are invisible even to each other?

    Or maybe BD and Ray are backpedaling on insinuating that Toggle is messed up, because he had a harder road to recovery physically than any of them. If he can be upbeat they don’t want to bring him down. But saying they didn’t see him is a weird way to make him feel better.

  4. about 13 years ago on Doonesbury

    Is it possible that Leo is trying to say “No problem” but just couldn’t get it all out fast enough?

  5. about 13 years ago on Doonesbury

    Chicago Tribune elected not to run today’s strip on the grounds that Trudeau is promoting his “self-interest” by soliciting funds for a favored cause. I would certainly agree if he were making money from the donations, or if he was soliciting funds for a political candidate.

    Actually Doonesbury has pretty heavily promoted dark-horse political candidates in the past. John Anderson in the 1980 race got a huge boost from two weeks of strips. But there was no direct appeal for contributions, and certainly no QR code or website. So this may be a first in that regard.

    It still seems like a strange call by the Trib to me. But I’m not annoyed at them this time – they ran yesterday’s strip which suggested that people bypass the paper and read the strip online for free. Which is a pretty snarky thing for GBT to do, frankly.