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  1. 7 days ago on Gil Thorp

    No offense taken. Just taking cues from our illustrious writer about how to take over established intellectual properties and destroy them. I agree the changes would ruin it, but think of the new readers! (oops, I meant viewers! )

  2. 7 days ago on Gil Thorp

    Because this is fiction, I will take creative liberties and have him interrogate people by having policemen hold a suspect down while he pokes them with an electric cattle prod. So, there will be no need for your suggested questions.

  3. 7 days ago on Gil Thorp

    This is one of the new twists. I haven’t decided which one yet, but he will wear either a sarape or dhoti instead.

  4. 7 days ago on Gil Thorp

    After yesterday’s discussion, I came up with a brilliant plan: I am going to write a reboot of Columbo. The first episode will feature the aftermath of his divorce being finalized. Then, future episodes will focus on him dating and interactions with family and friends as a newly single man. Every so often, I will throw in a scene or two of him interrogating someone. It won’t be clear what case he’s working on and cases may never be resolved but that’s just a minor issue because after all, the series is called Columbo, not “Crime Solving”. If anyone complains, well, they are racist, sexist jerks who can’t appreciate my vision.

  5. 8 days ago on Gil Thorp

    just realized it got cut off: (continuing) It’s about how teams latch on to anything non-team members would find stupid and use it to ride a wave of emotions until it all comes crashing down when they lose to a team that has their own gimmick or is just plain more talented. All you’ve written are characters running around without any real motivation sports-wise.

    So, other than those two issues, you’re doing a heck of a job, Henry!

  6. 8 days ago on Gil Thorp

    forgot to add: realistic fiction doesn’t mean that the characters are real. Christopher Nolan wanted his Batman trilogy to be realistic fiction. Does this mean that he thinks Batman, Bruce Wayne, and Gotham are real? According to you, yes. Sad.

  7. 8 days ago on Gil Thorp

    And, what a moronic response. you never cease to amaze me with how [dumb] your responses are.

  8. 8 days ago on Gil Thorp

    Henry: The issue is two-fold: 1. You get the big things wrong. In addition to the realistic vs fantasy fiction above, you don’t seem to understand the interaction between sports and “soap opera” elements. Historically, this strip emphasized the sports (the reason for it appearing in the Chicago Tribune sports section and not the comics section) and had “soap opera” elements as a means to drive the conflict and add a sense of meaning to the sports. One sees this in real life sports such as the NFL (Kansas City Chiefs/Taylor Swift), NBA (Bird vs Magic), MLB (Yankees vs Red Sox), and even in WWE wrestling, where storylines and personas give viewers a reason to invest in the matches. You, on the other hand, focus on the soap opera elements for the sake of being “bold” and “artistic” and have minimized the actual sports. As I have said before, if that is the kind of strip you want, go create your own and work to make it successful. Gutting an established property isn’t the flex you think it is.

    2. You get the small things wrong. Rainbow kicks, rival coaches becoming assistant coaches, and the recent “individual state champ vs team state champ” confusion from a few days ago are just a few. Because I suspect you don’t know, I will tell you that this strip used to have the sports be featured roughly during the time that they were played in real life: football in the fall, basketball in the winter, and baseball in the spring. Not only did this add to the realism, but it matches how athletes actually function, especially those who play multiple sports. The season ends, there is a short period of regret or happiness, and then the focus turns to the next sport. You also appear to not understand the oddity of high school sports. Since most of the players are not going to play at even the college level, high school sports have their own quirks. Quiz: What is the peacock story from a few years ago really about? Hint: It’s not about a dead brother. It’s about how teams latch on t

  9. 8 days ago on Gil Thorp

    I did a spit take with “creative liberties”. After cleaning my computer screen, it came to me-maybe our esteemed writer (!) doesn’t understand that there are different kinds of fiction: this strip is realistic fiction and he treats it as fantasy fiction. Perhaps he needs a remedial course to help him understand his own vocational field.

  10. 8 days ago on Gil Thorp

    And by “modern art” you mean the [cough] writer (being too lazy to create a new strip and work to make it successful) takes an established intellectual property, guts it, and changes everything about it except the character names. Other than the reason above, I don’t get why people like him to this and arrogantly think it’s a good thing they’re doing.