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  1. almost 13 years ago on Doonesbury

    Found at a climate blogspot; evidence of DylanThomas?He seems unwell? Have they got to him? What’s going on?

    AnonymousJan 28, 2012 11:06 PM

    Dear ReadersWe must beware of the worshippers of Gaia and her prophet,

    Al-gore. Have you seen this.

    I have found evidence of a warmenist preaching at some hidden

    coven. I link to his mumbling amateurish presentation.

    (click on the left of his screen to get a blurry slide)http://www.softconference.com/ACSchem/player.asp?PVQ=HJDL&fVQ=FJKHLL&hVQMy analysis of his stuff is that we may get another holocene

    optimum. Great. Optimum is good.

    Of course he says we are going to get bad AGW. How would he know.

    He is a glaciologist, not a climate analysist.

    I am alerting you to this poisenous nonsence. We must prevent

    their interpretation from becoming widely publicised. We must produce our own true facts to compete with theirs. We must make our own interpretations and presentations. We must not go gentle into that good night.