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  1. over 12 years ago on Alley Oop

    This is not the Alley I grew up reading — the crisp, detailed pen and ink work, the taut, action-filled story-lines… Do a quick search for “alley oop” and look at some of the gorgeous ink line art of V.T.Hamlin and see if by comparison Jack Bender’s “art” doesn’t gag you. The Benders have completely destroyed the characters; their ‘art work’ and lame, plodding storytelling stink to high-heaven. Alley has morphed into a hen-pecked wuss. As I’ve said before, Jack can’t draw and Carole can’t write. I’ve had enough. This makes me want to puke. I’m dropping my subscription to this page, I can’t stand to see beloved ol’ childhood memories despoiled like this.

  2. over 12 years ago on Banana Triangle

    There are a lot of “Ha, ha, ha’s” in this so perhaps on some level it’s supposed to be funny? Not any level I see, though.

  3. over 12 years ago on Alley Oop

    This strip has become so ludicrously PC… Ol’ V.T. must be spinning in his grave. Lola is a cave woman who would neither defend herself nor hunt for food? Sounds reasonable to me. Alley has morphed into such an oh-so-civilized 21st Century wuss it makes me want to puke! There’s a previously unknown metal-using civilization in Oop’s Bone Age? Over seventy years of visiting the era in this strip and no previous hint of them. Peculiar. I read this strip the same way I watched Lost In Space when it was first run on TV — in the ever-diminishing hope that one day it will somehow get better. I loved this strip back in the ‘60s. What the Benders have done to it is nothing short of pathetic. Jack can’t draw and Carol can’t write.