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Recent Comments

  1. almost 12 years ago on Thatababy

    Umm… You went a little overboard in the second and third panels, baby!

  2. almost 12 years ago on Garfield

    Same here. ;-P

  3. almost 12 years ago on Garfield

    You said it Garfield!

  4. almost 12 years ago on Pickles

    Yeah… My cat exposes his belly for me to rub, but sometimes it’s a trap!

  5. almost 12 years ago on Stone Soup International Sundays

    Same here! They’re so cute, aren’t they? ;-)

  6. about 12 years ago on Luann

    Hey! I’m 14 and I’ve been knitting for a couple of years! :(

  7. about 12 years ago on Luann

    He could have found the lotion, THEN taken his glasses off… but I guess that would have ruined the comic. ;)

  8. about 12 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    There are probably some people who don’t know that, or at least haven’t thought about it.

  9. about 12 years ago on Pearls Before Swine


  10. about 12 years ago on Cul de Sac

    Whoa! I hadn’t even noticed her doll.