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Recent Comments

  1. 4 months ago on Gil Thorp

    Henry’s World © is another dimension…

  2. 4 months ago on Gil Thorp

    Then through the bar door walked Gil’s assistant coach, Willie Getsum…

  3. 4 months ago on Gil Thorp

    Beth works at some swanky resort where Gil gets his (almost) annual coaching award. He sees her just once a year, yet they’re both smitten (in an unrequited sort of way).

  4. 5 months ago on Gil Thorp

    Why do all the characters in this strip — even Coach Gil to some extent — look so much alike? It is hard most days to know who is who. Maybe have them wear prominent name tags, please? The “story lines” (and I use that term lightly) sure don’t help us any with the identifications, as they jump around randomly.

  5. 11 months ago on Gil Thorp

    That WAS a great storyline, though…

  6. 11 months ago on Gil Thorp

    Grabbing tail (opposite gender or otherwise) WAS the most popular sport at my high school…

  7. 12 months ago on Luann

    What’s a “bank”???

  8. 12 months ago on Gil Thorp

    Now THIS is a plotline in which we can ALL take an interest!

  9. about 1 year ago on Gil Thorp

    Let’s all hope that “Year Two” is better written and much more easily comprehended than was “Year One”…

  10. about 1 year ago on Gil Thorp

    No! He will single-handedly defeat Gil Thorp and his Mudlark team! Just give him a moment to collect his thoughts, and forge a new birth certificate…