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  1. over 12 years ago on Luann

    This is where/how Police Cadet/Auxiliary Police/Neighborhood Watch Dirk returns.

  2. over 12 years ago on Luann

    As for a liquor license — only in the States do fast food shops not sell alcoholic beverages. Mcdonalds in France, UK, Germany etc all sell beer/wine. Only the States have the restriction that young teens can’t even carry the beverage on a tray to a customer. In Germany, if a kid walks in a bar and his head is above the level of the bar, he can drink anything he can pay for. Even the Schnell Imbiss (roadside carts) sell beer.As for TJ/AE, corporate would notice the increase in revenue and reward the manager, not the cashier who upsells.Even a franchise that is owned by an individual or a small group has to follow the ‘rules’ setup by corporate. My uncle ‘owns’ 15 Hardees and 6 PuttPutts but all the stores have the same ad campaigns and offer the same specials. Corporate also frowns on independent thinking. So much for Atlas Shrugged.Have a good day!

  3. almost 13 years ago on Luann

    Les has made bodily contact, Class IV Misdemeanor. He has communicated a threat, Class III Misdemeanor. Should he escalate, he would have then committed either a Class II Misdemeanor of Class VI Felony. I don’t care about “bullying”. As a former teacher, I told my students not to worry so much about demerits; worry about me calling 911 and going to jail. Oh yes, threats to teachers (oral, email, gestures, signs) in this commonwealth results in jail and fines.