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  1. 7 days ago on Red and Rover

    So true, so true! My people tell perfect time by the light outside so I’ve been moving dinner time. They still arrive in the kitchen on the dot to see dinner being prepared. The head concierge here has an audience that knows the meal times and treat times and had better keep with the drill!

  2. 16 days ago on Red and Rover

    Rover is a surefire astronaut!! His hair stands up just like the lady astro’s who’s been stuck up there for months!

  3. 24 days ago on Red and Rover

    He is a people but not the kind that catch human colds. But he remembers what mom said for the other people.

  4. 25 days ago on Red and Rover

    Rover makes total sense to me.

  5. 2 months ago on Red and Rover

    Yup, dog hair goes with everything.

  6. 4 months ago on Red and Rover

    For support and unconditional everything, all my 4 footeds have outdone all the 2 footeds in my life.

  7. 4 months ago on Red and Rover

    Look, Red has executive function: he has a plan!

  8. 4 months ago on Red and Rover

    So so glad to see Mom’s real feelings for Rover.

  9. 5 months ago on Red and Rover

    Warm water, Purina kibble, as well as any small additions of cooked & chopped chicken, brussel sprouts, carrots, celery, pumpkin or broccoli as well as cottage cheese, cheddar cheese, and yogurt make breakfast and dinner hugely looked forward to and all poop nicely shaped. The latter is actually the big deal. I’m not sure how Rover puts up with dry kibble except that his under the table bites help.

  10. 5 months ago on Red and Rover

    I wondered if Ruby’s mom would allow a soaking Rover in the car or if Red would hop out and run home with him. Probably the latter. I love Red and Rover and am so glad they converse like real people do with their dogs! Dogs have opinions too and sometimes more wisdom.