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  1. about 4 years ago on Ken Catalino

    It is good that Mr. Catalano can get his characteristics off his chest to explain his cartoons. So seldom can we point to any editorial he did that were specific to any action by President Trump.

  2. over 4 years ago on Ken Catalino

    Private Bauers realizes that a vote for Biden years earlier was the beginning of the end for the average ID of his fellow Americans. He does realize that now he can put the result – these stupid people – at his beck and call and recruit them into his service for the selfish benefit of his family at the expense at these citizens just like the corrutping Biden Family Syndicate had done when they sold out thier country to our enemies.

  3. over 4 years ago on Ken Catalino

    Actual Fake News, Russia Collusion lying for over three years by the Dems and MSM, Mueller partisans and phone erasers, breaking traditional House rules on impeachments, fully partisan impeachment vote, seventeen eyewitnesses with no witness of anything, White House Operative breaking chain of command, Schiff Whistleblowing lies, Dem candidate debate cheating and guilt of Gross Negligence in high office, corrupt HilLiary not accepting the results of an election, FBI malfeasance at the FISA Court, FISA Court judges incompetence, corrupt HilLiary hiring Russian operative to make up false dossier, the DNC and the FBI in on that fake operation, Dems projecting their crimes onto Republicans by accusation and no evidence, what am I missing, I only took a few minutes to be sick and tired of Ken Catalino and the FAKE NEWS MSM and cartoonists.

  4. over 4 years ago on Chip Bok

    https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/supreme-court-why-no-justice-has-beenconfirmed-in-the-fall-of-a-presidential-election-year/ This will answer your questions and correct your statements. There is nothing unusual about what the Constitution instructs be done.

  5. over 4 years ago on Ken Catalino

    Don’t mention the millions of Americans he helped, records set and the economy he created for them. If you have to attach a failure to President Trump then that makes it harder for your accusations when you don’t mention them, doesnt it? Did you note the recent stampede of lies about what Kayleigh McEnany had said about the science not standing in the way of going back to school? I cite that as an example of the many lies over the last three and a half years that have worked on you because you are liberrral (brrr) lemmings.

  6. almost 5 years ago on Ken Catalino

    Incidentally, and totally off topic of the editorial cartoon, Mr. Loblaw, you should not speak of things you know nothing about and that would be your status concerning the Central Park Five – Donald Trump placed the ad about two weeks after the incident and the ‘five’ were exonerated some twelve years later. The ad did not specifically ask for the execution of the boys but the ad did include and mentioned the ethnicity of New Yorkers who cannopt enjoy the Central Park because of ‘murderers andmuggers’ and that if people are so attacked then they should face the harsh punishment of execution. He did not suggest that for the ‘five’ boys 14, 15 and 16 years of age. There is much more to the story and you know none of it from your statement. It’s that damn Sydrome again. Maybe there is a vaccine for that.

  7. almost 5 years ago on Ken Catalino

    Mr.Loblaw – the tree depicted in the editorial cartoon referenced ’Georgia" and I am sure the incident of the black man being killed by those two white father and son. I countered with a similar incident that should also be wildly advertised and commented on by all of us. You choose, instead of addressing the point directly, the subject matter, of my reply and the cartoon, to obfuscate and serpentine and do all you can to dodge and avoid the contrast of the incidents. But your Derangement Syndrome that is often spoken of these days causes you to ignore my point and go off a rant about President Trump. Liberrrals (brrrr) have a tendency to do that when they do not have the arguments to defend their belief system. Try to stay on subject. You see Trump in the cartoon – why not see an elephant or a some other imagery.

  8. almost 5 years ago on Ken Catalino

    According to the Delaware State Police, last Friday (5/8/20) a 29-year-old black man, Sheldon Francis, shot an elderly white couple from Elkton, Maryland, while they were visiting the grave of their son at Delaware Veterans Memorial Cemetery. Lidia Marino, 85, was deceased at the crime scene. Her husband, Paul Marino, 86, an Army veteran, died of his injuries Saturday.Both crimes are horrible, but Mr. Loblaw, is President Trump also responsible for the crime in Delaware. What you write just appears silly when these criminal individuals, in both cases, acted out their bias or criminal acts. You have no basis for your outrageous assertions – you are closer to ‘the type’ than the one you accuse.

  9. almost 5 years ago on Bob Gorrell

    www.magapill.com. – I cannot list them all for you and you must know of a few of them.

  10. almost 5 years ago on Bob Gorrell

    You have forgotten the CRA which was first pushed by Dem policies in 1977 and subprime loans which was its staple, so then the banks "earned’ the loan fees and then sent/sold their loans to Fannie/Freddie to unload these subprime loans that they in their right sense they would never have made but for the dem policies and threats. No Fannie/freddie didn’t start it, they enabled it as GSE’s, where busted shaky loans could be sold and then repackaged by them as bombs to our economy and the economies of foriegn countries. Dem policy was to encourage banks to make loans in areas where home ownership was lax but it was lax for a very good reason – loans were offered to people who do not qualify for a conventional loan for any number of reasons – thus subprime.