Why is there a fountain of blood spurting up from the wolf’s head? Still, after all the time it took Ben to go back around? With that much blood, it surely couldn’t still be spurting!
Terrence told Duffy to fire into the vents — so he is running forward through the MUTTs toward the ship? If he destroys the ship are the MUTTs deactivated?
Oh good grief! (A smiley face emoticon is probably appropriate here, but I don’t know how to use them.) Are you an engineer, too? If Aaron has to worry about those trivial (I know, I’m such a girl) details, how can he EVER get to the next cartoon in the story line!
If I could ever remember which was correct, I would make sure not to misuse it and correct others when they did, too. Once you master a skill that difficult, the world needs to know.
Thanks, that explains it. I didn’t realize he was up against a wall. So to speak.