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  1. over 12 years ago on Doonesbury

    Any thing inserted into the vagina without full consent of the woman is rape – the vaginal probe is even shaped like a penis.Poor women – poor children if born unwanted to any woman but especially to those who have few resources – lets give out free contraceptives so all women can have the choice to conceive or not

  2. over 12 years ago on Doonesbury

    Re: the use of the word – slut – name calling is what kids do – they don’t think, they react – so sad that so many have lost the ability to articulate their feelings/thoughts with respect for the other person

  3. over 12 years ago on Doonesbury

    Gee Man said it all – we do not under any circumstances have the right to judge others and their decisions especially when it is a personal one. Thanks for saying it all so well without stooping to name call and passing judgement as some people have had the need to do.

  4. over 12 years ago on Doonesbury

    The Oregonian – (Portland) – won’t publish the strip – they had a tough decision to make- whose sensibilities are they protecting or are they going to insult? This is a hot potato issue that shouldn’t exist – the decision to have an abortion or not is personal and should remain so. It’s difficult to say that no one has the right to force their believes on another – as a society we do it all the time – look at capital punishment, wars – But this issue is between a woman and herselfAs far as the political divide goes – lets all remember that conservative women have abortions too. It’s the self righteous posturing from churches and people on all sides that makes the whole thing so much distastefu. Let’s try to keep the discussion respectful – as hard as it is to do so.