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Much easier to clean up if it doesn’t land on the floor!
Yes! The modern paper straws work very well!
Nobody is commenting on her having to squat to pee? It’s only about how long she would have to wait if they didn’t stop for her! Funny!
Jaypem! Do you REALLY think liberals prefer an murderer of any kind to an innocent young girl who has been killed?
“Bring” Max instead of “Take Max”????
When Biden makes a mistake like that, I always remember Trump talking about airplanes in the 1700s. Biden will never be THAT forgetful.
This happens to me now and then. LOL
My reasoning, too! I tell everybody who will listen that “whom” should be eliminated. We don’t need it, and it makes those who use it incorrectly look a little foolish. It will gradually be eliminated whether we like it or not, I imagine.
You misused “whom” there in the 6th panel.The only thing funnier than “whom” used correctly is “whom” used incorrectly.
Can’t she just move the paper to the right side of the desk?
Much easier to clean up if it doesn’t land on the floor!