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  1. almost 13 years ago on Doonesbury

    Ah,it doesn’t follow your opinion. We must not allow that. Why may I ask are you so much for censorship.Our founders believed in a free market place of ideas,that the best idea would survive. Meanwhile do try to come into the 21st Century. Even the 20th century would be an improvement.

  2. almost 13 years ago on Doonesbury

    Remember in the House of Representatives when they talked about birth control and whether it should be provided by health care insurance paid for by any employer, no women were allowed on it and no women were allowed even to speak before it, claiming it was only a matter of religious freedom of the employer.

    Once again the idea of special rights only for Christians giving Christians rights to decide what medical decisions for a woman can be made, regardless of her religion or desire. Ah the Christian Taliban is moving quickly as it can trying to censure anyone one that disagrees with them, including this cartoonist.