Looked like Marx was killed recently, didn’t it? As I recall, he was doing a bunch of “The Doctor considers his regeneration” type things, then awoke from a dream as an ordinary guy just as a huge atom bomb vaporized his ordinary house?
Originally published 2000? Wonder what issue it was addressing then — streaming services? Oh wait, streaming services really are killing the music industry.
WOW! And to those who wonder what’s going on here — the snaps signaled the un-construction of Eden, which makes this fusillade of objects look like the start of the un-deleting of conventional reality. BIG finish, Aaron!
There are plenty of happy marriages that last, but it’s still a myth that marriage and monogamy are this magical thing that will save you from yourself and ensure lifelong happiness. Some relationships have their season, and it’s right for them to end after that. The underlying problem is the widespread belief that there’s one right way to be, one set of answers that will work for everyone. Definitely not true!
Looked like Marx was killed recently, didn’t it? As I recall, he was doing a bunch of “The Doctor considers his regeneration” type things, then awoke from a dream as an ordinary guy just as a huge atom bomb vaporized his ordinary house?