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DeepLogic Free

I'm a twenty-something living in Ohio. Nothing but farms as far as the eye can see. Comics are a part of my morning routine, just as important as breakfast!

Recent Comments

  1. over 5 years ago on Endtown

    Hey Aaron. Don’t let complaints like those above get you down. You have enough problems without worrying about what people are willing to say on the internet. Even though you constantly battle sickness, you still find time to offer up this high quality strip that most of us see for free. People that have been here from the beginning are just happy you’re still around to bring us a great story! Be well.

  2. over 6 years ago on Wrong Hands

    Ah! Ok I see it now. Thanks for clearing that up. By the way, if you can confuse everybody on the internet with a single move, you ARE clever! ;)

  3. over 6 years ago on Wrong Hands

    Giraffe in a window?

  4. over 10 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    @Barry CarterActually, I believe that would be 999.

  5. over 10 years ago on Brevity

    May the 4th be with you

  6. over 10 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Looks just like Locher’s version of Dick Tracy…

  7. over 10 years ago on The Flying McCoys


  8. over 10 years ago on The Barn

    ysol8, as in “why so late”! nice

  9. almost 11 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Anyone else notice the conductor is meant to look like Beethoven?

  10. almost 11 years ago on Zen Pencils

    This is a sequel to a previous strip.