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  1. 17 days ago on Tank McNamara

    Its less important whether he played or not and more important what he did THIS year to make him a jerk. I really don’t see how Watson wins this time.

  2. 21 days ago on Frazz

    “Global Warming” refers specifically to the increase in average surface temperature. “Global Climate Change” covers that and all the effects of introducing that excess energy into the weather system, many of which are significantly greater problems than higher temperatures.

  3. 21 days ago on Frazz

    The problem with living through the Ohio winters of the mid to late 70’s is that it gave me an unreasonable expectation of just how much snow you could expect to have for playing in.

  4. 21 days ago on FoxTrot

    Hmm. A spinach salad with yams? You’d probably want to roast the yams to keep them somewhat firm. Or, for a bit more effort, candied yams might work, though some recipes do get a bit mushy, they don’t HAVE to be. Not sure what you’d combo with that or what sort of dressing you’d use, but it doesn’t seem like a completely unworkable idea.

  5. about 2 months ago on Frazz

    Have you seen what summer is like in Florida? Yeah, no thanks. Ohio is hot muggy and buggy enough. Ewww.

  6. 3 months ago on Frazz

    They must either cover a pretty large region or be national, because we have them here in Ohio too.

  7. 3 months ago on Frazz

    Yeah, there’s at least one chain I know of, Once Upon a Child (I believe it’s the same company as Plato’s Closet and Clothes Mentor). And of course, any thrift shop will have kid’s stuff, though of course, if you’re looking to sell off outgrown clothes, that’s not the direction you were looking.

  8. 3 months ago on Doonesbury

    Nothing to do with right or wrong, it’s just that it’s really noticeable that the people who keep saying “don’t worry, it won’t be all that bad, he can’t/won’t really do those things” almost all fit into a particular demographic that doesn’t have to worry about being targeted. And to be clear, if Trump were the entire threat, I’d not worry in the slightest, a toddler could take him out. The problem is, he’s surrounded himself with people who hold those views, often even more extremely so than Trump himself. They’ll be the ones actually carrying out the hategenda.

  9. 3 months ago on Doonesbury

    There are at least a few cartoons in which Mr. J talks about how harmless he is, but one in particular stood out from a few years back. At a similar gathering, Mr Butts, Sudsy and others were comparing their death counts and Mr. J was bummed that his was zero.

  10. 3 months ago on Doonesbury

    Straight white cis dude detected. While I may fit into that same category, I know far too many people who don’t and I’m not at all confident about the amount of damage TFG and his cronies can do in two years (nor am I really all that confident in flipping any houses in two years). I’ll be fine, most likely, but a lot of my friends and relatives might not be.