Odd that no one has mentioned her kids…remember, initially all she wanted was for her kids to be safe? How would you feel if you knew you now could never, ever see them again? And if you did, they would’t recognize you and would probably try to kill you?
Let’s see…. Smaug tried to destroy mankind and rain evil on the earth – no jail time. Puff smoked a few joints and left everyone alone – lots of jail time. Sounds about right.
I agree. Human is or should be a consciousness designation, not a physical one. The people who look like animals aren’t acting like them. They are behaving exactly like the humans they are, with all the varieties and issues of behavior that entails. Once the virus gets everyone – and it most likely will, how could it not? – then the definition of human will change to the one it should have been all along. Fear is the only motivator right now. Fear works great as a motivator for animals but has never been a good one for humans.
Where did they get the ornaments?