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While we’re all pleased to hear about your productivity, amra_leo, this strip doesn’t make any sense. With charliefarmr’s info, it does make sense. I call that worthwhile.
“I’m glad you’re with me, Andy… here at the end of all things…”
Hurrah for 15 years!
I saw that beard and realized for the first time that Adam and Big Top are both by Rob Harrell. Who’d’ve thunk!
That title panel is great, it kinda sums up the whole early Peanuts experience.
Hurray, it’s back! Hurray, they haven’t forgotten, broken, or misplaced their baby!
That first panel is marvelous.
If Teh Internet gets a hold of this panel, it’ll start showing up on forums all over the place.
Now there’s a service I’d pay for.
While we’re all pleased to hear about your productivity, amra_leo, this strip doesn’t make any sense. With charliefarmr’s info, it does make sense. I call that worthwhile.