
DraganTine Free

Come Not Between The Dragon & His Wrath - For You Are Crunchy & Taste Good With Ketchup

Recent Comments

  1. over 4 years ago on Strange Brew

    Yes, Very true private sales do not require a check, But the majority of sellers at gun shows are dealers, very little private sales. As a matter of fact the gun shows here now ban private sales altogether. But if you are a responsible gun owner when you do a private sale, it is to someone who you have vetted. As an example if that person has a CCW licence, is in the gun culture, and a current gun owner. I would never privately sell a firearm to someone I did not feel confident that they were a legal owner. It all comes down to being “Responsible”, we in general have lost that feeling of “being a responsible human.”

  2. over 4 years ago on Strange Brew

    And another person who has no clue how “Gun Shows” work – They have the same laws a gun store has to follow. Who do you think runs gun shows – The dealers who all have FFL’s, and have to follow the ATF laws for background checks and waiting periods. People who have no idea how guns. gun shows, Semi-Automatic firearms, or accessories to firearms, and how they work should do some research before they say anything !

  3. about 6 years ago on Buni

    Nope Panel 5 – Dadis 5’Oclock shadow pops back instantly…

  4. over 7 years ago on Endtown

    I have a friend that says there are Three sides to a story, your story, their story, and the truth ….

  5. over 7 years ago on Endtown

    Dang we can flag comments but not “Like” or upvote them !

    I second the LOL moment of the day !

  6. about 10 years ago on Endtown

    LOL – Too funny just spit my coffee out :D

  7. almost 12 years ago on Endtown

    And if I do recall Velda has been seen smoking and there was also another I’d have to look but I’m pretty sure

  8. almost 12 years ago on Endtown

    Rarely do I comment

    I just enjoy the work of Aaron and read a few comments.I enjoy most like Level Head, Dirty Old Lady Jenner and TSOJ.

    I “think” it adds to the whole experience …

    “Our” little community is usually very supportive and friendly and I look forward to reading everyday.

    This is a Adult Comic and has the adult subtleties as has been pointed out before…

    My dad smokes ( I CANT STAND IT ) My best friend smokes ( also CANT STAND IT ) Every TV Show / Movie / Magazine / Book / REAL LIFE has smoking / foul language ( while I have yet to see any “real” foul language here ) It is a fact of life and if the small amount of Real Life injected in to a fantasy comic strip that in essence shows real human life, all be it a mutated future life, it is part of life….Unless you live in a cave as Veteran stated this is life and is mainstream here and now….

    Looking forward to more keep it coming Aaron


  9. over 12 years ago on Endtown

    Hey how about this thought – Marx is a large grouping of some new smart Ditto …… ?

  10. almost 13 years ago on Endtown

    Wow … I wish my box would reboot that fast and fly like that after a slap to the CPU :P