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Sorry, I wrote before I read your comment.
re: 3), it is contraction of hand is. Thus, hand is weeping sweat…
He said “…when any of us cyclists is walking around…” and that is correct, since the subject of “is walking” is “any” and “any” is singular and takes a singular verb.
Thor! Are you kidding me? He’s pothitively in agony!
And all of these marvelous benefits would be paid for exactly how? I mean in the US of A where gov’t already is multiple trillions in debt?
My rule of thumb: If I have to ask, I can’t afford him.
Painting … finger painting.
She’s trying to help him get his window repair business off to a booming start, no doubt.
In the immortal words of David Letterman, “I don’t mean to blow my own horn, but if I could, you can [darn] well bet I would.”
Okay … leave us a list (I’m guessing a very short list) of the humor that you do appreciate. Oh, and watch out for that doorknob.
Sorry, I wrote before I read your comment.