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  1. 1 minute ago on Glasbergen Cartoons

    That has been a reasonable strategy since WWII, although not all military suppliers have stable or profitable. But if one expects major war with major damage, one might want to consider investing into survival shelters and stockpiles instead. Major war with major damage may make one’s currency worthless…

  2. 4 minutes ago on Glasbergen Cartoons

    Some investors try to “short” stocks, then panic when they find they guessed wrong…

  3. 5 minutes ago on Glasbergen Cartoons

    Yes it can be a rollercoaster ride, but one can make it profitable without relying upon luck if one is willing to either do the necessary work to pay attention to market forces or hire a financial planner who does that.

  4. 8 minutes ago on Bottom Liners

    Nope, Fox news was created to appeal to a conservative audience from its first day. It was not neutral – it purposely battled leftist networks. Yeah it got attacked – in proportion to the attacks that it itself was instigating.

    Yes you are right about its audience not only not caring about its bias, but some even loving it. But popularity does not equal truth.

    The Main Stream Media was traditionally fairly neutral, although it is not as neutral as it used to be. But to rightists it MUST be leftist because it has the audacity to air stories that make conservatives and MAGAs embarrassed. Such things are suppressed or not allowed on some conservative news services.

    Glad you admit that Fox News is yellow journalism. Such admission is refreshing, but it does not justify the product.

  5. 21 minutes ago on Bottom Liners

    LOL, you prove your first sentence wrong in your second sentence. Then try to justify your opinion with what-abouts concerning other networks – that only indicates that you admit that Fox is as bad as CNN.

  6. 24 minutes ago on F Minus

    My wife’s cat likes to chase balls (like a dog), although kitty doesn’t bring them back. We were told that kitty was born into a household that had a lot of dogs… kitty likes tennis balls the best.

  7. 31 minutes ago on Bottom Liners

    You could have yelled “DUCK!!”

  8. 31 minutes ago on Bottom Liners

    I know too many conservatives who cling to fantasies about how Republicans act, and they will eat up alt-right propaganda… they certainly won’t make any effort to verify or fact check. And at the same time, without even witnessing news coverage from other sources, they automatically dismiss it as “fake news”.

    But now some of their favorite sources, like the Wall Street Journal and even sometimes Fox News, are criticizing Trump. They are getting soooo conflicted…

  9. 39 minutes ago on Bottom Liners

    We have a nice framed picture of a zebra in its natural habitat – it’s in black-and-white so you have to look a little at it to find the zebra because it blends into the background pretty well. Some friends took the picture when they were somewhere in Africa. It was a photo safari – no guns.

  10. 43 minutes ago on Bottom Liners

    It’s not just TV – this stuff is all over the radio and the Internet, too.