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  1. 1 day ago on Joey Weatherford

    Don’t need a crystal ball to predict that MAGAs will claim that “Trump won” no matter how embarrassing his performance is…

  2. 1 day ago on Walt Handelsman

    Being from the South but going to college in the North, I was always cold at school. A locally raised coed noticed me wearing a jacket (while she was wearing a sundress) and asked, so I told her it never seemed warm up there. She replied “What do you mean? Last summer it got up to 85 (degrees Fahrenheit) for almost a whole week!”

    That was in the late 1970s. Probably can’t say that now-a-days…

  3. 1 day ago on Chris Britt

    To me it already is. Can’t eat gold… can break a tooth on it, though…

  4. 1 day ago on Chris Britt

    Reminds me of getting lectured by conservatives during the Reagan era that “pollution is actually good for you”. They insisted that money required to pay for cutting pollution / cleaning up pollution was money that corporations could instead use to provide more and better jobs… we just had to wait for these munificent businessmen to trickle it down…

  5. 1 day ago on Bill Bramhall

    That would pose a dilemma for MAGAs – it might indicate that The Convicted Guy was turning woke (like Jesus)…

  6. 1 day ago on Pedro X. Molina

    The Bible stuff that was in my grade school classrooms was back in the 1960s. However we did not pray in school.

    One of my teachers decided that we needed Bible verse posters for “inspiration”… then she decided that we should bring in Bible story books (from home or church) that she would display for “when we felt like reading something inspirational”… bringing in a book was “optional” but we each got badgered into bringing one in… when those books sat unused she decided that we would take turns (one student per day) starting class by reading a five minute excerpt out of one of the books (again “optional” but soon everybody was required to take a turn)… then those five minute readings turned into hour or longer readings with discussion about what the excerpt meant…

    Our class got behind in our curriculum schedule because of all her churchy stiff, and it showed up painfully when our class performed poorly on the mid-year state achievement tests. Parents were unhappy, and the school principal got embarrassed… our teacher was told to cut our the churchy stuff and follow the curriculum – which she refused. So they “retired” her early, and we got a new teacher for the rest of the year. All of the churchy stuff went out the door with the old teacher. We managed to perform more to expectations on the year-end state achievement tests.

  7. 1 day ago on Mike Beckom

    I’m not a leftist, so I don’t know why they predict that Trump won’t show. My prediction is based on his refusal to debate in any primaries, and his excuse to not even testify on his own behalf due to “gag order”.

  8. 1 day ago on Mike Beckom

    Chaos does not make good policy…

  9. 2 days ago on ViewsBusiness

    Actually, there is a lot of profit potential in enacting “green”. But lazy inept “businesspeople” want to keep the status quo…

  10. 2 days ago on Ted Rall

    You just cannot help showing your false flags, can you?