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  1. about 4 hours ago on Working It Out

    Our company required us to attend training during lunchtime, but at least they provided one of those six foot sub sandwiches… until one day we arrived and there was no food. Secretary admitted that the sub shop refused to deliver any more sandwiches until the company paid for the ones it had already gotten.

  2. about 4 hours ago on Prickly City

    So you’re saying that Trump is too weak to overcome Biden?

  3. about 6 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    Although the has zero interest in obtaining, or even helping to obtain, peace for Ukraine, he does fancy a Nobel Peace Prize. And he’s determined to get it, even if he has to bomb Norway to get it…

  4. about 7 hours ago on Glasbergen Cartoons

    And then you find that they enrolled you into a subscription… and since they have your credit card number they automatically bill it…

  5. about 7 hours ago on Close to Home

    Okay, but we need to run your credit first…

  6. about 8 hours ago on Bottom Liners

    My MAGA nephew learned that the hard way. There was an ordinance, but he thought it would be “okay” for his wife to raise chickens since the city leaders were Republicans… they expanded to ducks and goats too, so some of the neighbors complained. The city told him to get rid of the livestock, and were not impressed when he threatened to complain to Trump. He now lives in a rural county, and vows revenge on “those RINO city Republicans”.

  7. about 8 hours ago on 9 to 5

    Same to you, comrade.

  8. 1 day ago on 9 to 5

    Sounds like 95% of your clients were their own worst enemies. I don’t doubt your numbers, but were they millionaires?

    Honest brokers meet periodically to explain brokerage statements and the stock purchases/sales cost basis or date involved. But you’re right – if clients let them they can sidestep all of that.

    I’ve been guilty of not paying enough attention to my broker’s doings in the past. Mostly when I was shoulders deep into work and family obligations, and I’d been duped by advisors whom I thought I could trust. (See my comment a couple users below this chain.) Fortunately I did not lose much money – mostly lost time – but I have recovered since then. I have the time to pay better attention these days… and fortunately I find that my current advisor is honest and does a good job.

    I hope you suggest better financial habits to your clients. And I hope they listen to you.

  9. 1 day ago on Prickly City

    First we got “alternate facts”… next we get “alternate honesty”?

  10. 1 day ago on 9 to 5

    Had to ditch two financial advisors over the years who were like the cartoon.

    Got clued into needing to ditch the first one when he answered the phone with a “don’t blame me speech” before I had gotten to say a word. I was just calling to set up a regular appointment. His automatic defensiveness got me to look closer at our track record, and to call around to other people who used him – turned out everybody was upset that suddenly he was spending a lot more time on the golf course than he was vetting investment picks. And both of his games were going down the tubes.

    Second one told me, after I had been following his advise for several years, that I would never be able to afford retirement if I kept investing as he had been advising. Then came a hard sales pitch… When I transferred my account to another firm he was shocked, even when I told him that I was following his advice that his advice was unsound.