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  1. over 12 years ago on The Academia Waltz

    no, vietnam wasn’t johnson’s war…vietnam, goes back to the eisenhower years…what lyndon johnson did, was, exactly what george bush did with the current war…he lied us into the escalation of vietnam, with the gulf of tonkin incident…and yes, i’m old enough to remember it, because i lived it as well…and once we were deeply involved, we didn’t pull out, because it would be a blot on our other wise “great war efforts”….BOTH wars were a mistake and we never should have gotten involved in them…but that’s history and unless you want to rewrite it, that’s the way it is….

  2. almost 13 years ago on Doonesbury

    having been a working newsman for over 30 years, i find that of all the networks, fox is perhaps the worst for not confirming stories before they air…they do slant(opps, sorry the word should be tilt and slide)toward the republican party…it’s interesting to watch them and discover, just what bias in the news is…if they had their way, all liberals and anyone else that disagrees with their point of view, would be rounded up and put in re-education camps…gee, just like the dictatorships we say we abhor…..amazing ain’t it