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  1. over 12 years ago on Doonesbury

    You get down on Romney about outsourcing jobs but I bet you own an Iphone or Ipad something apple which is all made over seas. I bet you all go to steven spielberg movies which are all made outside the US. How come they don’t bring these jobs here. They haven’t made any jobs for the US. How come you don’t complain about these Libs who support Obama. They could bring 1000’s of jobs to the US.

  2. almost 13 years ago on Doonesbury

    the only thing all the news outlets want are rating’s. they will say what they need to so their rating’s will go up. The prime news oranizations are all lib and fox is conser. Watch the one you want and believe everything they say as you drink your koolaid. Garry is a lib and his strip is going to lean that way all the time.