Dustspecks's Profile

dustspecks Premium
Don't look now, but dust specks are EVERYWHERE...even online! Dust Specks the cartoon revolves around five characters, made of dust, and their interactions with each other and everything in the world (even YOU)! The main cast is Dusty, Storm, Bunny, Bitsy, and Micro. Other characters include Dust Mites (the villains), Dirt (the thugs), Sand (cowabunga dude!) Geez (yes, that is his name), and Cosmo. Dust Specks materialized when I noticed some dust on my nightstand one afternoon. For whatever reason, the thought of a cartoon ran through my mind and within minutes, I wrote my first strip. The one challenge I faced, however, was the inability to draw. Instead of throwing in the towel, I began working with area artists to do the illustrating for me. Ultimately, one artist was a standout...Terrice Kimble. Terrice currently illustrates Dust Specks and is doing a great job. Thanks for listening and enjoy the cartoon! -Tom
Hit the slopes, Snoopy!