Takagibike   comics

Takagi-san Free

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  1. about 24 hours ago on Luann

    9 Chickweed Lane AND Luann doing a Monopoly Sunday strip at the same time. Coincidence? Probably. Odd, though.

  2. 6 days ago on Luann

    Yeah, I didn’t “believe” in them either until I had a kid. She’s a very smart girl and could be talked to and reasoned with from a very young age. We did that effectively for almost any misbehavior. But then, she started doing something over and over again that was actually dangerous to her. She promised to stop and simply did not. She could not control her impulses on her own. After several warnings of consequences went unheeded, I felt that only follow-through would be effective, and I was exactly right. It gave me no pleasure, and I hope to never need to do it again, but the results have been nothing short of amazing. Since then, simply the threat of spanking stops extreme misbehavior and it’s still the very last resort. We can talk with her about anything else to see results. Shannon, though, is suffering from lack of discipline. She makes everyone else’s life more difficult and no one stops her or guides her. She might be too far gone for any discipline to work, but starting with “no” from time to time would be a good start. Spankings should always be a possibility, though, or kids may never know proper boundaries. Society will not hesitate to “spank” for bad behavior and it’ll be much worse than a sting on the behind.

  3. 7 days ago on Luann

    I call no way. She’d be exactly the same. Otherwise, you’d have taught her how to behave while in your house by now.

    Gotta love everyone’s reaction to her behavior. Lots of shrugs and watta-ya-gonna-dos, but never any corrections. Children are more malleable than that. She can be taught to behave and you may need fewer spankings than you think.

  4. about 1 year ago on Luann

    Didn’t hear a “thank you for trying, Dad” out of her self-centered ungrateful mouth.

  5. over 1 year ago on Luann

    Anyone else notice that in the Luann comic strip, Tiffany is now the LEAST annoying female character? Who’d-a thunk it?

  6. about 2 years ago on Luann

    Good lord. This muse crap is continuing? As if she wasn’t enough of a smug, insufferable, piece of work as is, now she’s feeling “special” and “unique” and no one is going to tell her to get over herself. Instead, Our Hero wants to give her a makeover, which may go on all week. The strip can be so insipid sometimes. I know, many of you are probably thinking “then why continue to read it?” and you are quite correct. If there are no redeeming qualities to it at all this week, I’m done.

  7. about 2 years ago on Luann

    So, it’s finally come to this. The “Watch Paint Dry” story arc. On a side note, who calls people “Shoog” except for elderly aunts? Or is it a regional sort of thing?

  8. about 2 years ago on Nancy

    Not sure why the response took 9 years to get to me, but so be it. You deserve a response and here it is: I don’t recall calling anyone anything. The people you describe are the ones I want to see the help reach, you included. My issue is with the able-bodied who would rather get free stuff than earn it. That was the entirety of my point and not sure how you could read anything more out of my statement than that. I agree with everything you said.

  9. about 2 years ago on Luann

    stares Anyone else just about had it with Bernice? She behaves like… wow, like she’s still 13. Conspiracy theory! No one actually aged! They’re all still the same age as the original strip!

  10. about 2 years ago on Luann

    Assume they will have true privacy. Will this be the first time they do? If so, let’s get inside their heads a moment and see what’s probably there. Bernice will simply be happy to avoid worrying about interruption. But Nil appears to be insightful enough to stop and ask where this is going. He likely suspects that a smooching buddy is all that Bernice wants, but perhaps he wants to pursue a more meaningful relationship.