So according to you, Almighty God had the power to call backsies when he realized he made a mistake* by making only ONE man and woman; And lo, the Lord doth say “Hey, I better maketh some MORE couples lest I wind up with a world full of web-toed hydrocephalics!” But the idea that he could call double-backsies; And lo, His Eternal Big-Daddyness doth say “How can I stem over-population? I KNOW! I’ll shall taketh yon flesh still in the womb and giveth thy son a hankerin’ for the old one-eyed yogurt-thrower and thy daughter a fondness for buzz-cuts and flannel”… That’s just a liiiiiiiittle too far-fetched for ya, huh?
*Which in itself is pretty questionable behavior for a supposedly infallible being.
(SIGH) Method actors!