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  1. over 9 years ago on Monty

    I think he just lives near Monty and was complaining about something Monty was doing. Stuff changes over time. You have to remember the strip was originally named Robotman and Monty was a secondary character.

  2. over 10 years ago on Monty

    If a woman doesn’t even know what the Foot Clan is, they can just keep walking.

  3. over 11 years ago on Monty

    It’s just corn. It’s not an actual wall.

  4. over 11 years ago on Monty

    So how’s it supposed to go?

  5. over 12 years ago on Monty

    Yeah that’s the joke.

  6. over 12 years ago on Monty

    The funniest thing is that most people that vote for Obama don’t really like him that much anymore. The blind following is just desperately trying to keep psychopaths like Romney out of office.

    It’s like choosing a kick in the shin over one in the balls.

  7. over 12 years ago on Monty

    I’m loving the comments whining about politics in the comics. Maybe you guys should stick with garfield or something.

    If Romney didn’t want to get made fun of, he shouldn’t be so hilarious.

  8. over 12 years ago on Monty

    Monty is friends with an alien. He really shouldn’t be judging anyone.

  9. over 12 years ago on Monty

    Monty just take a cold shower once in a while.

  10. almost 13 years ago on Monty

    Bit of an error here. Monty has already traveled back in time to the Titanic with Robotman. That time he tried to warn the captain by drinking out of a class with a giant ice cube.

    I hope he doesn’t cause a paradox by running into his younger time travelling self.