
billywonka Free

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Recent Comments

  1. over 11 years ago on Mike Luckovich

    Repubs – working hard to stay out of the WH for years to come. Thankfully, they are succeeding!

  2. almost 12 years ago on Mike Luckovich

    Oh yeah, Issa – the corrupt used car salesman. Typical hatefilled republiCAN’T.

  3. almost 12 years ago on Doonesbury

    Love it!Happy Memorial Day to all my fellow Vets!

  4. almost 12 years ago on Mike Luckovich

    @Ms. Ima – Jesus was a Liberal – thank God!!

  5. about 12 years ago on Mike Luckovich

    Hope he’s more successful than the still failing GnoP

  6. about 12 years ago on Peanuts

    So Lucy is a Tea-Baggette, eh? How sad…..

  7. about 12 years ago on Mike Luckovich

    “Sit on my face and tell me that you love me,I’ll sit on your face and tell you I love you, too.”Thank you Monty Python.

  8. about 12 years ago on Broom Hilda

    I’d rather boink like a bunny….

  9. about 12 years ago on Wizard of Id

    Great strip!!Merry Christmas to Spook and everyone else!

  10. about 12 years ago on Jeff Danziger

    As with all things Republican, this will also fail. Altho Cantor may get the Speakers job, it won’t matter – his party is being consumed from within. Enjoy your cold tea, GOP.