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Ctrl/cmd-f is a good way to find if the word has been mentioned before.
Have you looked outside the first box? Maybe the missing pieces are there?
Agreed! Especially strange when someone just post “It’s odorless”, without adding something not written before…
That’s a phrase I’ve as American/English am not familiar with, but understand.
Hope you enjoyed your brunch!
Ok, I understood that “saying” meant “something that is said, correct or not”, not as “something correct”. Since canaries was used, it has been used as a saying too.
How, since it’s odorless?
Saying? Isn’t that a fact?
Maybe. And, thinks of a way of upgrading Hambot.
Yes. He hasn’t been seen for a while, though…
We don’t. Just saying they exists.
Ctrl/cmd-f is a good way to find if the word has been mentioned before.