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  1. almost 13 years ago on Arlo and Janis

    Too soon, too young. I really hope he looks around campus and sees what he could be doing at his young age, and what he’s missing. In the past, he quietly freaked out in his facial expressions a couple of times, regarding settling down, Meg, etc. – so I think/hope those were a hint of things to come.

  2. almost 13 years ago on Arlo and Janis

    Sorry but I have always hoped they’d break up. It is too much for him at his young age. And he never got to have the “college experience.” He needs to live and have his own life. Speaking of which, why don’t Arlo and Janis have any friends? That has always bothered me. They are booorrring – especially Arlo – all he does is ruminate on the different ways he is getting old. Ugh.